Monday, November 1, 2010

Life sucks

Sometimes i really cant hold my emotions back anymore and my tears just spill out without me wanting them to. Is tears all it takes? To show that im broken inside? So i guess i need tears to show that im upset inside because nobody is caring about me unless i cry my heart out? That sucks -.- Im not saying that nobody cares about me, its just that i have to like cry then will only people care and ask what happen which just leads to more confusion for me. That's why i don't want to show my broken feelings. But my stupid sensitivity is just too much for my tears.

It doesn't help either that im being underappreciated. YOU don't even lift a FUCKING finger to help me. I do EVERYTHING on my own! Life just sucks! it FUCKING SUCKS

Every felt like your friends are just using you? When they dont have anybody, they beg for you. When they have somebody, they keep secrets from you. I just cant believe that you guys arent telling me. Well, nowadays, when you're trying your best to be a true friend to everybody, they just take advantage of you. and they don't tell you anything. I always try to imagine how you would feel. I would think "maybe she's just not ready to tell" but when you've told like half the world, i guess you dont trust me. I know i've done this to people too and im just being a hypocritical bitch but im sorry. Im guessing this is karma. Didnt know karma would hurt this much :(